Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday - a day of dancing, laughter and tears

Today I got to go to Haitian church.

The Plan: We were supposed to leave at 8:30 in the red truck to be at church by 9am.

The Reality: Pastor Widelson arrived by foot at 9:30am to walk us to the orphanage because the truck's clutch wasn't working. The red truck was fixed by 10am and we were off to church.  

don't worry, I know I promised the congregation that I would dance at each service.  There is a one hour time difference.  I wasn't in church for the 8am service but I danced a little anyways...I can only imagine what the other people at the villa were thinking.  I know that I was dancing for the 9:15 and 10:45 service.

We got to the blue metal church in the hills while they were in the middle of prayer...which is not like anything I have ever experienced.  To hear an entire church crying out their prayers is a bit extremely moving   We went to the front of church and enjoyed several rounds of a beautiful Haitian song. With just one song they were able to sing in somberly, joyfully and all-out spirit filled.  Oh yes, I was dancing but it was nothing compared to the young boys around me.  More songs, more prayer, more scripture and offering (Yes, even in the poorest country they pass the basket at church)  And then we had to speak.  I was so overwhelmed that I could barely talk.  Pastor Marcellus made sure that everyone in church knew that this wasn't normal!  But then he said such beautiful things about all that the congregation at St Paul's has done.  Pastor Widelson's entire church prayed for St Paul's Lutheran Church in Hanover, MN.  We are truly blessed to have friends that are so spiritually rich to share with us.

By 12:30pm, we all got back in the truck and made our way back to the orphanage.  We got to enjoy time with the kids and enjoy hearing them make music with all of the new instruments.  A visitor thought we were running a music school because so much beautiful!  

We also had a wonderful dinner made by Mrs. Marcellus. 
Note:  Mrs. Marcellus makes the BEST rice & beans...I would highly recommend a trip to Haiti just to get rice & beans made by Mrs. Marcellus.
We took pictures of each of the kids.  They would try to be serious until I would laugh and then they couldn't stay serious.  Then they decided they liked picture taking...and started requesting photos - most with silly faces.  (Sometimes kids are kids no matter where they are)  

Then it was off to see a Technology and Communications school.  Haiti is so full of people that want education.  I can't imagine many people in the United States would work so hard to learn if the payoff was not easily seen.

Finally, we spent a few more hours just talking and hanging out with the kids.  And then we said goodbye. 

Yes...that is when the tears started.  We leave tomorrow.

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